A recent article in the Cisco Technology News Site, "The Network", is titled "The Internet of Everything Goes to School", and focuses on efforts to boost educational programs that involve skills related to the Internet of Everything (IoE). In the article, Columbia University’s programs were showcased and Prof. Steven Nowick, Prof. Zoran Kostic, and Ph.D. candidate Robert Margolies were interviewed.
Specifically, a unique new graduate course on the IoE, which is being developed by Prof. Kostic, was highlighted.
Moreover, the Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs) project was presented as an example of a program that already educates the next generation of engineers on the IoE. Within this multi-PI project, current and former Ph.D. students Maria Gorlatova, Robert Margolies, and John Sarik, and Professors Peter Kinget, John Kymissis, and Gil Zussman have led an educational effort that involved more than 80 M.S. and undergraduate students in IoE-related projects. Robert Margolies discussed this effort whose educational outcomes are summarized in a recent technical report.