EE Computing FAQ
The department has several teaching labs on the 12th floor of Mudd that contain a total of over 100 workstations.
Approximately one quarter of these machines are Windows machines in Mudd 1205 and 1206. These labs have bench equipment including multimeters, waveform generators, power supplies, and oscilloscopes. The computers there have software for interfacing with the oscilloscopes as well as doing some circuit simulation and interacting with Arduino boards. The machines in Mudd 1205 also run Vivado Design Suite for interacting with Xilinx FPGA devices.
The other three quarters of the machines are Linux workstations in Mudd 1214, 1218, and 1235. These machines run a variety of circuit design and simulation software made by, among others, Cadence, Mentor Graphics, and Synopsys. The machines in 1214 and 1218 run software for interacting with Intel IoT devices. The machines in 1235 run Quartus Prime for interacting with Intel FPGA devices.
All the Linux workstations can also be accessed remotely.
Normally, after enrolling in an EE course that utilizes one of the teaching labs, an account will be made for you if you don't already have one. When an account is made for you, you will receive an email with information about your account including a temporary password that you will change upon first login. You will also be granted physical access to the labs by means of your Columbia ID Card. If you have trouble accessing the labs or the computers in them, email [email protected].
If you are a student in or otherwise affiliated with the department and would like access to the labs but are not currently taking a course, you can also email [email protected] to request access. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
See the MATLAB information page.