Faculty Awards
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Fellow
Chang (2010)
ACM Awards
ACM Special Interest Group of Multimedia Technical Achievement Award - Chang (2011)
ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award - Mitra (2012)
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Nowick (1995)
American Physical Society Fellow
Heinz, Osgood (1997), W. Wang (1997)
AVS Fellow
Bell Labs Fellow
Mitra (1998)
Blavatnik Young Faculty Award (NYAS)
Shepard (Finalist, 2008)
Challenges, Competitions, and Innovation
1st Prize in the 2009 Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Competition - Kinget, Kymissis, X. Wang, Zussman
1st Prize in the 2012 Interdigital Innovation Challenge - Kinget, Kymissis
1st Prize in 2013 breast cancer prognosis challenge - Anastassiou
IBM Outstanding Innovation Award - Anastassiou (1982)
International Symposium on Low-Power Design Contest Winner - Shepard (2001, 2006)
IEEE ISSCC/DAC Design Contest Award - Seok (2009)
Lemelson-Illinois Prize for Innovation - Wright (2009)
MIT Clean Energy Prize/DOE EERE - Kymissis (2011)
Columbia Engineering School Alumni Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award
Nowick (2011)
Columbia University Teaching and Education Awards
Columbia Engineering School Alumni Assocation Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award - Tsividis (1998, 2010), Shepard (1999), Vallancourt (2007, 2013)
The Society of Columbia Graduates Great Teacher Award - Tsividis (1991), Heinz (2005), Anastassiou (2011), Chang (2013)
Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching - Tsividis (2003), Vallancourt (2013)
Kim Award for Undergraduate Involvement - Kymissis (2011)
Columbia Engineering School Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award - John Paisley (2017)
Comstock Prize in Physics (National Academy of Sciences)
Lipson (2019)
Distinguished Lecturer
IEEE LEOS Traveling Lecturer – Osgood (1986-1987)
American Physical Society Traveling Lectureship - Osgood (1992)
IEEE Electron Device Society Distinguished Lecturer - Wang (1997)
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer - Kinget (2009-2010 & 2015-2017)
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer - Chang (2011, 2015)
Facebook Faculty Research Award
Katz-Bassett (2017, 2018)
Fulbright Fellow
Zussman (2004)
Google Faculty Award
Kymissis (2008), Jelenkovic (2009)
Graduate and Doctoral Awards
Korea Foundation of Advanced Study Fellowship - Seok (2005)
UIUC Martin Award for Graduate Research - Wright (2009)
University of Michigan Rackham Pre-doctoral Fellowship - Seok (2009)
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship – Jiang (2006)
Guggengheim Fellow
Osgood (1989), W. Wang (2000)
IEEE Fellow
Osgood, Tsividis (1986), Mitra (1989), Lazar (1993), W. Wang (1994), Anastassiou (1998), Chang (2004), Shepard (2008), Bergman (2009), Nowick (2009), Kinget (2011), Kymissis
IEEE Life Fellow
Mitra (2010)
IEEE Awards
IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award - Mitra (1998)
IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award - Tsividis (2007)
IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award - Chang (2009)
IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award -Tsividis (2005)
IFIP/IEEE Dan Stokesberry memorial award - Lazar (2003)
IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Award for the best IEEE publication - Tsiviidis (1984)
IEEE Society Awards and Recognitions
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Innovative Education Award - Kinget (2020)
IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award - Chang (2012)
IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Education Award - Tsividis (2010)
IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award - Chang (2012)
IEEE EDS Paul Rappaport Award - Kymissis (2002)
IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Golden Jubilee Medal - Tsividis (2000)
IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication - Kinget, Kymissis, X. Wang, Zussman (2011)
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Elected AdCom Member - Kinget (2011-2013, 2014-2016)
IEEE Photonics Society Quantum Electronics Award – Osgood (2015)
IBM Faculty Award
Zukowski (1995), Chang (1995), Shepard (1998, 1999), Jelenkovic (2004), Kinget (2005), W. Wang (2006), Bergman (2008), Kymissis (2010, 2013)
Marie Curie Fellow (European Commission)
Outgoing International Fellowship - Zussman (2004)
International Incoming Fellowship - Zussman (2014)
National Academy of Engineering Member
Schwartz (1992)
Mitra (2003)
Tsividis (2019)
National Academy of Inventors Member
Anastassiou (2014)
Osgood (2016)
Chang (1995), Bergman (1995), Nowick (1995), Shepard (1998), Jelenkovic (1999), Ellis (2002), Kymissis (2007), Zussman (2010), Katz-Bassett (2014), Hendon (2015), Seok (2015), Mesgarani (2016), Ghaderi (2017), Preindl (2017)
NSF Presidential Award
NSF Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) - Jelenkovic (2000)
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award - Anastassiou (1986), Zukowski (1987)
NSF Research Initiation Award (RIA)
Nowick (1993)
Optical Society of America Recognitions
Optical Society of America, President - Heinz (2012)
Optical Society of America, R.W. Wood Award - Osgood (1991), Lipson (2017)
Optical Society of America Fellow
Heinz, Osgood, Bergman (2003)
Significant Achievements, Honors, and Awards
Academia Sinica, Academician - Wang (2002)
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Senior Scientist Research Award - Heinz (1996)
CalTech President Award - Bergman (1997)
IEE (UK) Institution Premium Award - Mitra (1966)
International Commission for Optics Prize - Heinz (1995)
International Teletraffic Congress, Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award - Mitra (2012)
Japanese Honorary Lectureship for OITDA (Optical Device Association) - Osgood (1991)
Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics - Heinz (2008)
Ocean Optics Blue Ocean Award - Kymissis (2011)
Princeton University Wentz Award for Teaching and Scholarship - Bergman (1996)
Top 1% most cited by Thomson Reuter Award - Lipson (2014-2017)
University of Minnesota Outstanding Achievement Award - Tsividis (2013)
University of Patras Professor Honoris Causa - Tsividis (2012)
Young Investigator Awards
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award - Bergman (1996), Chang (1998)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Young Investigator Award - Zussman(2009)
DARPA Young Investigator Award - Krishnaswamy (2011)
Pew Biomedical Scholars from The Pew Charitable Trust – Mesgarani (2015)
Young Faculty Awards
Blavatnik Young Faculty Award Finalist, NYAS - Shepard (2008)
Best Paper Awards
ACM/IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) Best Demo Award - Jiang, Kinget (2018)
ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP Performance Best Paper Award - Mitra (1995), Zussman (2006)
Bell Labs Technical Journal Best Paper Award - Jelenkovic (1999)
Best of SIGCOMM CCR - Katz-Bassett (2018)
Best Paper, ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop - Katz-Bassett (2013)
Best Paper, NSDI - Katz-Bassett (2008, 2010)
Conference on Learning Theory Best Paper Award - Wright (2012)
European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) Best Paper Award - Tsividis (1986)
GENI Research and Educational Experimentation Workshop Best Educational Paper Award - Zussman (2013)
IBM Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award - Shepard (2005), Jelenkovic (2007)
IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Darlington Best Paper Award - Tsividis (1987)
IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award -Mitra (1981), Tsividis (1998, 2008)
IEEE Circuits & Systems Society MWSCAS Myril B. Reed Best Paper Award - Zukowski (2007)
IEEE Communications Magazine Best Paper Award at OPNETWORK 2002 - Zussman (2002)
IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper Award - Mitra (1992)
IEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) Best Poster Award - Kinget (2015)
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Conference Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper - Tsividis (2003), Krishnaswamy (2007)
IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circutis Symposium Best Student Paper Award - Kinget (1st place award 2008, 2nd place award 2015, 3rd place award 2018)
IETF Applied Networking Research Prize - Katz-Bassett (2014, 2019)
IFIP Networking 2002 Best Student Paper Award - Zussman (2002)
International Conference on Computer Design Best Paper Award - Shepard (2001)
International Teletraffic Congress Best Student Paper Award - Lazar (1997), Jelenkovic (1997, 2007)
ACM SenSys'11 Best Student Demo Award - Kinget, Kymissis, Zussman (2011)
ACM SenSys ‘11 Best Industry Demo Award – Jiang (2011)
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks Best Paper Award – Jiang (2005)
Best Paper Award for the IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL) journal– Teherani (2014)