End of Year Celebrations and Student Awards

Ann Rae Jonas
May 28, 2018

The end of April was a time to celebrate and to recognize student achievement in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Undergraduate and graduate awards were announced at two gatherings.

2018 Undergraduate Awards

The Department of Electrical Engineering hosted its annual Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Dinner at the Faculty House on April 27. Faculty and graduating seniors commemorated the students’ time at SEAS. The EE & CE Senior Awards were announced; the winners are listed below. Congratulations to the winners and to the Class of ’18!

Edwin Howard Armstrong Memorial Award—Garrett Kaighn
Awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior and one outstanding MS candidate to honor the late Edwin Howard Armstrong, professor of electrical engineering and inventor of wideband FM broadcasting, the regenerative circuit, and other basic communications and electronics circuits. ($1,000 award)

Computer Engineering Award of ExcellenceArunavha Chanda
Awarded each year by the computer engineering faculty to an outstanding senior in the computer engineering program. ($500 award)

Student Excellence Award in Information and Systems—Avery Feit
Awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding passion and accomplishment in information and systems. ($500 award)

Student Excellence Award in Electronics, Circuits, and PhysicsJulia Di
Awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding passion and accomplishment in electronics, circuits, and physics.  ($500 award)

Electrical Engineering Department Research Award—Garrett Kaighn
Awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding passion and accomplishment in research. ($500 award)

Electrical Engineering Department Service Award—Sarah Thompson
Awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has made significant contributions to the department and to the community at large. ($500 award)

2018 Graduate Student Awards

2018 Graduate Student Awards

The Department of Electrical Engineering hosted its annual End of the Year Graduate Student Awards Party on April 30, 2018. Electrical and computer engineering students, faculty, staff, and guests celebrated the department’s student body and achievements. A popular feature was the photo booth, complete with an array of props. Graduate student awards were presented, and the EE Ambassadors were recognized for their contribution to admissions efforts. Congratulations to all the winners!

Armstrong Memorial Award: Awarded annually by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding MS candidate to honor the late Edwin Howard Armstrong, professor of electrical engineering and inventor of wideband FM broadcasting, the regenerative circuit, and other basic communications and electronics circuits. 

Paul Young—Paul received his MS in February 2017 and is currently a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Peter Kinget. 

EE Collaborative Research Award: Awarded to PhD candidates who make a superb contribution to a collaborative research effort.

Shang Li—Shang received his PhD in March 2017.His advisor was Professor Xiaodong Wang.

Varun Gupta—Varun received his PhD in May 2017. His advisor was Professor Gil Zussman.

2018 Graduate Student Awards

Jury Award: For outstanding achievement by a graduate student in the areas of circuits, systems and communications, and signal processing.

Yu Chen—Yu received his PhD in February 2017; his advisor was Professor Yannis Tsividis. He works as an integrated-circuit engineer at Apple, Cupertino.

Saleh Soltan—Saleh received his PhD in October 2017; his advisor was Professor Gil Zussman. He is currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University.

Millman TA Awards: Awarded to graduate students who demonstrate outstanding performance as teaching assistants.

Ankur Nipane—Ankur is a PhD student under the supervision of Professor James Teherani.

Tingyu Mao—Tingyu received his MS degree in February 2018.

Tingjun Chen—Tingjun is a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Gil Zussman.

2018 Graduate Student Awards

MS Award of Excellence: Awarded to the MS students with the highest GPAs.

Min Chul Shin—Min received his MS in February 2018 and is currently a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Michal Lipson.

Saurabh Bondarde—Saurabh received his MS in electrical engineering in December 2017 and his MS in computer engineering in February 2018. He is a senior engineer at Qualcomm.

Erik Anderson—Erik received his MS in February 2018, He has been an MS/ PhD student in Professor Keren Bergman's lab since August 2016.

Kaili Chen—Kaili received her MS degree in February 2018.

Abhinav Sridhar—Abhinav received his MS in December 2017 and works at Qualcomm.

Taesung Jung—Taesung received his MS in May 2017 and is currently a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Ken Shepard.

Michael Nguyen—Michael received his MS in February 2018. 

Tingkai Liu—Tingkai received his MS in February 2018. He is a PhD student in Professor Aurel A. Lazar’s Bionet Group.

MS Research Award: Presented to MS candidates who make a superb contribution to a research project.

Steven Alfano—Steven received his MS in February 2018. He works as a verification engineer at Wolverine Trading, in Chicago.

For more pictures visit the EE Flickr page