A paper by Ph.D. student Maria Gorlatova and Professors Peter Kinget, Ioannis Kymissis, Dan Rubenstein (CS), Xiadong Wang, and Gil Zussman won the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Award for Outstanding Paper on New Communication Topics. The paper, titled "Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs) for Ubiquitous Object Networking", appeared in the IEEE Wireless Communications Dec. 2010 Special Issue on "The Internet of Things: the Next Big Thing in Communications?". The paper describes the design challenges posed by a new class of ultra-low-power devices referred to as Energy-Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs).
The IEEE Communications Society Award for Outstanding Paper on New Communication Topics is given to "outstanding papers that open new lines of work, envision bold approaches to communication, formulate new problems to solve, and essentially enlarge the field of communications engineering." It is given to a paper published in any IEEE Communications Society publication in the previous calendar year.
The award will be presented at the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'2011) award ceremony.
More information about the EnHANTs project can be found in http://enhants.ee.columbia.edu/