
Past Event

Joint MechE/EE seminar: Innovations in AI and Controls for Advancing Healthcare and Cybernetics with Dr. Abhishek Dutta

July 9, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
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In this talk, Dr. Abhishek Dutta from the University of Connecticut will first introduce his research in generative AI, graph neural networks, and nonlinear control for drug discovery and optimized therapy. He will also give a glimpse of his research in computational neuroscience and wearables. Next, he will give a classroom lecture on Lyapunov control with real-world examples informed by our pandemic control research. Finally, he will  give a brief overview of my current teaching and an integrated vision for expanding controls at Columbia, followed by time for questions and answers.

Abhishek Dutta is an assistant professor of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Connecticut and the director of Dutta Lab, a transdisciplinary laboratory for innovations in AI and controls for healthcare and cybernetics. Prior to this, Dr. Dutta was an aerospace postdoc at the coordinated science laboratory of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He obtained his PhD with distinction from Ghent University and as a member of Wolfson College Cambridge in Predictive Control and a MSc from the University of Edinburgh with an informatics prize for outstanding thesis. His pandemic control research has featured in Nature Scientific Reports top 100 and the design of Cyborgs was widely covered by scientific media, amongst others.