Date: August 10
Time: 11AM
Location: EE Conference Room (Mudd 1300) or Zoom Meeting ID: 990 8340 4047 Zoom Passcode: 357023
New Era of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (flyer attached)
Hydrogen Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell is considered today as a promising technology for low-carbon transport applications. The successful deployment of fuel cell technology in the automotive sector is a key element to reach the European Union’s CO2 emission goal by 2050. After years of developments by research institutions and enterprises, the automotive fuel cell technology has gradually been introduced to the market since 2015. In this seminar, we will explore together the key technologies of modern commercial fuel cell electric vehicles, such as Toyota Mirai 1 and 2, Honda Clarity Fuel Cell, etc. The place of fuel cell technology in our future low-carbon transports and the main challenges will also be presented.
Prof. Fei Gao is currently the Deputy Director of the French national CNRS research institute FEMTO-ST (750 researchers) and a Full Professor at the School of Energy and Computer science of the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM). He received from UTBM the PhD degree in renewable energy with the distinguished Youth Doctor Award in 2010. His main research fields include fuel cells and their applications in transportation, multi-physical modeling and real time simulation systems. Prof. Gao is the recipient of 2020 IEEE J. David Irwin Early Career Award from IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He is Fellow of IET and holder of the French research expertise bonus from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Industrial Electronics Technology News, the Assistant Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, and an Associate Editor of 4 IEEE Transactions. He currently serves as the Strategic & Planning Committee Chair of IEEE Transportation Electrification Community and the Vice-Chair of the Technical Committee on Vehicle and Transportation Systems of IEEE Power Electronics Society.