Speaker: Jeyanandh Paramesh, CMU
The demand for wireless capacity and data rates continues to grow unabated. In order to meet this demand, future communication systems will incorporate a mix of new techniques at all layers of the network. At the physical layer, these include reconfigurable spectrum sharing radios in the low GHz bands, and (sub)mm-wave radios. In both types of systems, the need to support very wide bandwidths and massively large numbers of antennas in an energy efficient manner is of paramount importance. In this talk, I will describe our recent research aimed at addressing these challenges. In particular, we will describe design techniques for energy efficient beamformers, digital frequency synthesizers and mixed-signal interfaces for such systems. I will also briefly describe recent developments in CMU’s long standing research on the reconfiguration of RF integrated circuits using phase-change switches, which we envision as a “more-than-Moore†element that can augment the capabilities of standard CMOS technologies.