To all EE faculty and PhD students, please join us for a seminar led by the National University of Singapore's Professor Mun Choon Chan.
Abstract: The arrival of programmable switching ASICs has made it possible to rethink the design of many network control and management functions. In this talk, I will present some recent work on using programmable switches to support in-network monitoring and debugging that are specifically designed to run efficiently in the data-plane. The proposed mechanisms have been implemented and evaluated on the Barefoot Tofino Switch using the P4 language.
Bio: Mun Choon Chan is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS). His research areas include mobile computing and programmable network. He graduated with a BS in Computer and Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and Ph.D. from Columbia University. He was a Member of Technical Staff in Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies before joining NUS. He has received the Facebook Networking Systems Research Award (2019), IEEE ICNP 2019 best paper award and ACM SOSR 2019 best paper award. He has also served as associate editor of the IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, and on the Technical Program Committees of INFOCOM, ICNP, IPSN and Sensys.