EE/CE Class Day Celebration - 2020
The end of May is a time to celebrate and to recognize student achievement in the Department of Electrical Engineering. While in person events are not possible due to Covid-19, the Electrical Engineering department at Columbia University celebrated its students remotely.
The end of May is a time to celebrate and to recognize student achievement in the Department of Electrical Engineering. While in person events are not possible due to Covid-19, the Electrical Engineering department at Columbia University celebrated its students remotely.
The EE/CE Class Day Celebration kicked off with a special message from EE/CE Faculty
We then announced this year’s group of Undergraduate and Graduate awardees. Congratulations to the recipients and to the entire Class of ’20!
2020 Undergraduate Awards
The Edwin Howard Armstrong Memorial Award is awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior and one outstanding MS candidate to honor the late Edwin Howard Armstrong, professor of electrical engineering and inventor of wideband FM broadcasting, the regenerative circuit, and other basic communications and electronics circuits. This year's awardee is Jiaang Yao.
The Computer Engineering Award of Excellence is awarded each year by the computer engineering faculty to an outstanding senior in the computer engineering program. This year's awardee is Chuyun Liu.
The Student Excellence Award in Information and Systems is awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding passion and accomplishment in information and systems. This year's awardee is Micah Lee Roschelle.
The Student Excellence Award in Electronics, Circuits, and Physics is awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding passion and accomplishment in electronics, circuits, and physics. This year's awardee is Patricia Jastrzebska-Perfect.
The Electrical Engineering Department Research Award is awarded by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding passion and accomplishment in research. This year's awardee is William Meng.
2020 MS Student Awards
The MS Award of Excellence is awarded to MS students with the heighest GPAs. This year's awardees are: Vinay Raghaven, Prawesh Dahal, Yixin Man, Menoua Keshishian, Jagannaath Letchumanan, Caleb Tulloss, David Kuhta, Rui Chen, Shijia Yan, Lingyi Cai, Hongyu Zou
The MS Research Award is presented to MS candidates who make a superb contribution to a research project. This year's awardee is Han Yu.
The Armstrong Memorial Award is awarded annually by the electrical engineering faculty to one outstanding MS candidate to honor the late Edwin Howard Armstrong, professor of electrical engineering and inventor of wideband FM broadcasting, the regenerative circuit, and other basic communications and electronics circuits. This year's awardee is Zicong Huang.
2020 Jacob Millman Award
The Jacob Millman Award is awarded to graduate students who demonstrate outstanding performance as Teaching Assistants. These students make very important contributions to our educational mission. The award is named after Jacob Millman who was on the department faculty until 1975 and made numerous contributions to Electrical Engineering teaching and education.
Anthony Rizzo is a PhD student in Prof. Keren Bergman’s group. He was a Teaching Assistant in the “Electromagnetics” class.
Shounak Roy received his MS degree in February 2020. He was a Teaching Assistant in the class “Internet Economics, Engineering & the Implications for Society” with Prof. Debasis Mitra.
Guoxiang Han is a PhD student in Prof. Peter Kinget’s group. He was a Teaching Assistant in the "Analog Electronic Circuits" class.
2020 PHD Student Awards
Collaborative Research Award
The EE Collaborative Research Award is awarded to PhD candidates who make a superb contribution to a collaborative research effort.
Todd Arnold was a PhD student in tProf. Ethan Katz-Basset's group. His Ph.D thesis was “Understanding Cloud Network Performance” and his collaborative effort focused on large scale internet measurements. He successfully defended his thesis in May 2020.
Craig Gutterman was a PhD student in Gil Zussman's group. His Ph.D. thesis was “Learning for Network Applications and Control” and his collaborative efforts focused on projects with Bell Labs and U. Arizona. He successfully defended his thesis in May 2020.
Jury Award
The Jury Award is awarded for outstanding achievement by a graduate student in the areas of circuits, systems and communications, and signal processing.
Mahmood Baraani Dastjerdi was a PhD student in Prof. Harish Krishnaswamy’s group. His PhD thesis was “High-Performance Multi-Antenna Wireless for 5G and Beyond”.
Mehmet Necip Kurt is a PhD student in Prof. Xiaodong Wang's group. His PhD thesis was “Data-Driven Quickest Change Detection”. He successfully defended his thesis in April 2020.
Thank you EE Ambassadors
We also had a special thank you video for our EE Ambassadors. Our Ambassadors are current graduate EE students who volunteer to help the admissions team with supporting admitted MS students.
Congratulations from the EE Department
To close the celebration, the EE/CE Staff shared a special congratulations message followed by a toast for our graduates!