PCB Design

A board was designed using Cadence Allegro to test the performance of the IC. The board performs the following functions -

  1. Provided an easy way to interface the sensor to the IC using a DB9 socket.
  2. Allow the insertion of a multitude of resistors and capacitors, which in conjunction with the IC, realize the filters and amplifiers necessary for estimating the Heart rate and Respiratory rate.
  3. Provide a socket for interfacing with a microcontroller (Arduino Uno), to perform digital processing on the filtered snd amplified signal waveform.
  4. Level shift the 1.8V logic of the IC to drive the 5V logic of the Arduino.
  5. Provide a way to mount an LCD screen for displaying the result.
  6. House the power regulation unit to generate stable 5V and 1.8V supplies to power each of the above blocks.
PCB Block Diagram
FIG 1. The Block Daigram of the PCB.

PCB Block Diagram
FIG 2. Photograph of the assembled PCB with the interfaced sensor.

Top Copper Layer Bottom Copper Layer
FIG 3. Top (Left) and Bottom (Right) Cu masks. The Bottom Cu Layer is a ground plane.

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