Columbia University
Electrical Engineering Department

Current Projects
Semantic Concept Detection with Cross Concept Learning


Semantic concepts usually do not occur in isolation, and the contextual relationships provide important information for automatic concept detection in images/videos. Unlike traditional approaches that independently build binary classifiers to detect individual concepts, we develop algorithms that consider inter-conceptual relationships.

Context-based Concept Fusion
We propose a new context-based concept fusion (CBCF) method for semantic concept detection. Our work includes two folds. (1) We model the inter-conceptual relationships by a Conditional Random Field (CRF) that improves detection results from independent detectors by taking into account the inter-correlation among concepts. CRF directly models the posterior probability of concept labels and is more accurate for the discriminative concept detection than previous statistical inferencing techniques. The Boosted CRF framework is incorporated to further enhance performance by combining the power of boosting with CRF. (2) We develop an effective criterion to predict which concepts may benefit from CBCF. As reported in previous works, CBCF has inconsistent performance gain on different concepts. With accurate prediction, computational and data resources can be allocated to enhance concepts that are promising to gain performance.

Active Context-based Concept Fusion
We propose a new framework, called active context-based concept fusion, for effectively improving the Accuracy of semantic concept detection in images and videos. Our approach solicits user annotations for a small number of concepts, which are used to refine the detection of the rest of concepts. In contrast with conventional methods, our approach is active, by using information theoretic criteria to automatically determine the optimal concepts for user annotation. In addition, we have developed an effective method to predict concepts that may benefit from context-based fusion.

Multi-class Concept Detection by Kernel Sharing
We proposed a new framework for multi-class concept detection based on kernel sharing and joint learning. By sharing good kernels among concepts, accuracy of individual weak detectors can be greatly improved; by joint learning of common detectors among classes, the required kernels and the computational complexity for detecting each individual concept can be reduced. We demonstrated our approach by developing an extended JointBoost framework, which was used to choose the optimal kernel and subset of sharing classes in an iterative boosting process. In addition, we constructed multi-resolution visual vocabularies by hierarchical clustering and computed kernels based on spatial matching. Extensive analysis of the results also revealed interesting and important underlying relations among concepts.


  1. Wei Jiang, Shih-Fu Chang, Alexander C. Loui, "Kernel sharing with joint boosting for multi-class concept detection", CVPR Workshop, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2007. PDF
  2. Wei Jiang, Shih-Fu Chang, Alexander C. Loui, "Context-based concept fusion with boosted conditional random fields", ICASSP, (1):949-952, 2007. PDF
  3. Wei Jiang, Shih-Fu Chang, Alexander C. Loui, "Active context-based concept fusion with partial user labels", ICIP, pp.2917-2920, 2006. PDF


  1. Shih-Fu Chang, Wei Jiang, Alexander C. Loui, Active Context-based Concept Fusion, US Patent Pending, 20070271256, Filed Dec. 2006.