


Course Evaluation Results

 Courses Taught:

Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023: Computer Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2022, Spring 2023: Reinforcement Learning in Information Systems (EECS 6892)

Summer 2021: Reinforcement Learning in Information Systems (EECS 6892)

Fall 2020: Computer Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2020: Computer Networks (CSEE W4119)

Fall 2019: Computer Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2019: Computer Networks (CSEE W4119)

Fall 2018: Computer Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2018: Network Algorithms and Learning (ELEN E6772)

Fall 2017: Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2017: Network Algorithms and Dynamics (ELEN E6909)

Fall 2016: Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2016: Network Algorithms and Dynamics (ELEN E6909)

Fall 2014: Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)

Spring 2015: Network Algorithms and Dynamics (ELEN E6909)

Fall 2015: Communication Networks (ELEN E6761)