
Past Event

Needle in a haystack - How to Find Hidden Parasitics in mm-Wave Layouts

December 2, 2016
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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Dr. Shahriar Shahramian, Nokia-Bell Lab

Speaker: Dr. Shahriar Shahramian, Nokia-Bell Lab

This short course explores the hidden impairments which are often overlooked or difficult to locate in mm-Wave layouts and interconnects. Using real-life fabricated circuit blocks operating in the W-Band and optical circuits operating beyond 100Gb/s you are invited to search for parasitic capacitive, inductive and resistive elements which can adversely affect the circuit performance. After modeling of these elements, simulations demonstrate the impact of the parasitics on bandwidth, center frequency, stability and noise-figure. Using simple and quick modeling techniques the designers can incorporate various layout effects into their design.


Shahriar Shahramian (M '06) received his Ph.D. degree from University of Toronto in 2010 where he focused on the design of mm-wave data converters and transceivers. Dr. Shahramian has been with the Bell Laboratories division of Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia), Murray Hill, NJ since 2009 and is currently the Director of the mm-Wave ASIC Research Department. He is also a member of the technical program committee of Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. His research focus includes the design of mm-wave wireless and wireline integrated circuits. He is the lead designer of several state-of-the-art ASICs for optical coherent and wireless backhaul product development at Bell Laboratories. Dr. Shahramian has been the recipient of Ontario Graduate Scholarship, University of Toronto Fellowship and the best paper award at the CSIC Symposium in 2005, 2015 and RFIC Symposium in 2015. He has also held an adjunct associate professor position at Columbia University, has received several teaching awards and is the founder and host of The Signal Path educational video series.