3. Part 2: Investigating the Static Graph Expansion Process

In this part of the lab, we will look at the static graph expansion process used to create the decoding graphs that we will need for our decoder. First, we introduce the models that we are using in this lab, and then we go step-by-step through the graph expansion process.

3.1. The Model

For this lab, we will be working with the Wall Street Journal corpus. This corpus was created many years ago for a program sponsored by DARPA to spur development of basic LVCSR technology, and this corpus was designed to be about as easy as an LVCSR corpus could be for ASR. The data consists of people reading Wall Street Journal articles into a close-talking microphone in clean conditions; i.e., there is little noise. Since the data is read text, there are few conversational artifacts (such as filled pauses like UH) and it is easy to find relevant language model training data.

We trained an acoustic model on about 10 hours of Wall Street Journal audio data and a smoothed trigram language model on 24M words of WSJ text. The acoustic model is context-dependent; phonetic decision trees were built for each state position (i.e., start, middle, and end) for each of the ~50 phones, yielding about 3*50=150 trees. The trees have a total of about 3000 leaves; i.e., the model contains 3000 GMM's, one for each context-dependent variant of each state for each phone. Each GMM consists of eight Gaussians, so the model contains about 3000*8=24000 Gaussians or prototypes. The model was trained by first training a (1 Gaussian per phone) context-independent phonetic model, using this to seed a (1 Gaussian per leaf) CD phonetic model, and then doing Gaussian splitting until we achieved 8 Gaussians per leaf or GMM. For the front end, we used 13-dimensional MFCC's with delta's and delta-delta's, yielding 3*13=39 dimensional feature vectors. The vocabulary was taken to be the 5000 most frequent words in the LM training data. If this paragraph meant nothing to you, you should probably cut down on the brewski's.

3.2. Graph Expansion Steps

We explain the steps in graph expansion by going through an example. For full-scale decoding, we would start with a word FSM representing a pruned trigram LM; in this example, we start with a word graph wd.fsm containing just a single word sequence:

(All example files in this section can be found in ~stanchen/e6884/lab4/.)

The first thing we do is convert the FSA into an FST:
FsmOp wd.fsm -make-transducer wd2.fsm
resulting in

The reason why we do this is left as an exercise.

Then, we compose the FST wd2lx.fsm to convert from words to pronunciation variants, or lexemes in IBM terminology:
FsmOp wd2.fsm wd2lx.fsm -compose lx.fsm
In this case, each word has only a single pronunciation variant (e.g., I(01) denotes the first pronunciation variant of the word I), but in general there may be words with multiple pronunciations. This yields

Notice that wd2lx.fsm only contains entries for the words in wd.fsm; in general, this FST would contain entries for all words in some large vocabulary.

Next, we convert from lexemes to phones:
FsmOp lx.fsm lx2pn.fsm -compose pn.fsm

(For this and following FSM's, we do not display the whole machine due to space constraints.) Notice that each pronunciation begins with the marker “|”; this is used to encode the location of word boundaries. This marker is used during phonetic decision tree expansion, but does not expand to an HMM itself.

Next, we convert from phones to the model level (held in the file md.fsm); this involves applying the phonetic decision trees to find the context-dependent variation at each state position of each phone. We do not explain how we do this since it involves virtual FST's and we don't want to get into this, but the result is

To explain the notation, this model has a total of 3416 leaves/GMM's, or context-dependent state variants, which are numbered from 0 to 3415. The notation AY_674_708_727 denotes that the phone AY in this context expands to the leaves/GMM's 674, 708, and 727, respectively, for the first, middle, and last states of its 3-state HMM. Notice that the word labels are no longer necessarily aligned with the models they expand to. This is because the identity of the leaves in a model may not be known until phones to the right (since the decision tree may ask about phones to the right), so the model tokens are shifted later relative to the word tokens.

The contents of each decision tree can be found in the file tree.txt. Here is an excerpt of the tree for the feneme AY_1, i.e., the first state of the phone AY:
Tree for feneme AY_1:
node   0: quest-P 111[-1] --> true: node   1, false: node   2
  quest: |
node   1: quest-P  36[-2] --> true: node   3, false: node   4
  quest: D$ X
node   2: quest-P  66[-1] --> true: node   5, false: node   6
node   3: leaf  661
node   4: quest-P  15[-2] --> true: node   7, false: node   8
  quest: AXR ER L OW R UW W
Node 0 is the root of the tree. At node 0, question 111 is asked of the phone in position -1 (i.e., the phone to the left); if the question is true, go to node 1, else go to node 2. Question 111 asks whether the given phone belongs to the set {“|”}. By convention, the beginning and ending of utterances are padded with the “-1” phone, or unknown phone. (Recall that the “|” phone is the word boundary phone and is placed at the beginning of each word pronunciation.)

Let us go through a partial example of calculating the leaf number for the first state in the first AY phone in our example. Here, the phone to the left of the first AY is the “|” phone, so the question at the root node is true and we go to node 1. At node 1, we ask about the phone at position -2, or two phones to the left. This is beyond the beginning of the utterance, so this means we use the -1 phone. Since this phone does not belong to the set {D$, X}, the question is false and we go to node 4. The remainder of this example is left as an exercise. Some notes:

Anyway, back to our graph expansion example. In the last step, we expand the FSM to the final HMM, rewriting each model token by the HMM that represents it:
FsmOp md.fsm md2obtr.fsm -compose obtr.fsm
This HMM is too large to display in its entirety, but here is an excerpt:

Notice that we pack two different tokens into the output token for each arc, separated by a “,”. The notation ob:674 states that the GMM corresponding to leaf 674 should be used as the output distribution for that arc. The notation tr:21_0 encodes which transition probability should be used on this arc; transition probability markers will be translated into arc costs within the decoder. Why transition probabilities are encoded in tokens rather than as arc costs is left as an exercise. While the topology of the above HMM does not look exactly like what we've been presenting in class, it is actually equivalent.

The actual transition probabilities are kept in a separate file, like the file example.tmd. In this file, the first line contains the probabilities corresponding to the tokens tr:0_0 and tr:0_1, respectively, and the last line corresponds to tr:155_0 and tr:155_1. The Gaussian parameters are kept in a file like example.omd, which contains 2-component Gaussian mixtures. In the first part of the file, each line corresponds to a leaf. For each leaf, the index of each Gaussian in the mixture and the mixture weight for that Gaussian is listed. In the latter part of the file, each line corresponds to a Gaussian; the Gaussian indices listed for each leaf are indices into this list of Gaussians. For each Gaussian, the mean and variance for each dimension is listed.

So, this pretty much describes all the data that we need to feed into our decoder. As mentioned before, in real life we begin with a word graph representing an n-gram language model. The LM word graph we used in this lab can be found in lm.fsm.gz; it is a trigram model that has been pruned to about 200k bigrams and 125k trigrams. To look at it, you can use zcat (as it's compressed), e.g.,
zcat lm.fsm.gz | more
The final expanded decoding graph can be found in decode.fsm.gz. It contains about 1.5M states and 4M arcs.

For this part of the lab, you will have to edit some of the FSM's used in our toy example to handle a new word in the vocabulary. In addition, you will need to do some manual decision-tree expansion; see lab4.txt for directions.