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Color Similarity

In order to match color regions, we need a measure for the similarity of colors, i.e., pink is more similar to red than blue. We base the measurement of color similarity on the closeness in the HSV color space as follows: the similarity between any two colors, indexed by tex2html_wrap_inline1909 and tex2html_wrap_inline1911 , is given by


which corresponds to the proximity in the cylindrical HSV color space depicted in Figure 5. The measure of color similarity, tex2html_wrap_inline1915 , is used within the computation of the distance between color distributions as described next.

Color Histograms

A distribution of colors is defined by a color histogram. By transforming the three color channels of image I[x,y] using transformation tex2html_wrap_inline1681 and quantization tex2html_wrap_inline1683 as defined in Section 2, where tex2html_wrap_inline1923 , the single variable color histogram is given by, where X and Y are the width and height of the image, respectively, which are used for normalization,


Histogram Distance

The most common dissimilarity measures for feature vectors are based upon the Minkowski metric, which has the following form, where tex2html_wrap_inline1931 and tex2html_wrap_inline1933 are the query and target feature vectors, respectively,


For example, both the tex2html_wrap_inline1935 , (r = 1) [1], and tex2html_wrap_inline1939 , (r = 2), metrics have been used for measuring dissimilarity of histograms. However, histogram dissimilarity measures based upon the Minkowski metric neglect to compare similar colors in the computation of dissimilarity. For example, using a Minkowski metric, a dark red image is equally dissimilar to a red image as to a blue image. By using color similarity measures within the distance computation, a quadratic metric improves histogram matching.

Histogram Quadratic Distance

The QBIC project uses the histogram quadratic distance metric for matching images [3]. It measures the weighted similarity between histograms which provides more desirable results than ``like-bin'' only comparisons. The quadratic distance between histograms tex2html_wrap_inline1931 and tex2html_wrap_inline1933 is given by


where tex2html_wrap_inline1947 and tex2html_wrap_inline1915 denotes the similarity between colors with indices i and j. By defining color similarity in HSV color space, tex2html_wrap_inline1915 is given by Eq. 3. Since the histogram quadratic distance computes the cross similarity between colors, it is computationally expensive. Therefore, in large database applications, histogram indexing strategies, such as pre-filtering [5], are required to avoid exhaustive search.

Color Sets

Alternatively, we utilize color sets to represent color information. The distinction is that color sets give only a selection of colors, whereas, color histograms denote the relative amounts of colors. Although we use the above system for color set selection in order to extract regions, we note here that color sets can also be obtained by thresholding color histograms. For example, given threshold tex2html_wrap_inline1959 for color m, color sets are related to color histograms by


Color sets work well to represent regional color since (1) tex2html_wrap_inline1681 and tex2html_wrap_inline1683 have been derived to give a complete set of distinct colors and (2) salient regions possess only a few, equally dominant colors [13].

Color Set Distance

We use a modification of the color histogram quadratic distance equation (Eq. 6) to measure the distance between color sets. The quadratic distance between two color sets tex2html_wrap_inline1969 and tex2html_wrap_inline1971 is given by


Considering the binary nature of the color sets, the computational complexity of the quadratic distance function can be reduced. We decompose the color set quadratic formula to provide for a more efficient computation and indexing. By defining tex2html_wrap_inline1973 , tex2html_wrap_inline1975 and tex2html_wrap_inline1977 , the color set quadratic distance is given as


Since tex2html_wrap_inline1969 is a binary vector,


That is, any query for the most similar color set to tex2html_wrap_inline1969 may be easily processed by accessing individually tex2html_wrap_inline1711 and tex2html_wrap_inline1713 's, where tex2html_wrap_inline1987 , see Table 2. As such, tex2html_wrap_inline1711 and tex2html_wrap_inline1991 's are precomputed, stored and indexed individually. Notice also that tex2html_wrap_inline1993 is a constant of the query. The closest color set, tex2html_wrap_inline1971 , to tex2html_wrap_inline1969 is the one that minimizes tex2html_wrap_inline1999 .


tex2html_wrap_inline1885 tex2html_wrap_inline1887 tex2html_wrap_inline2005 tex2html_wrap_inline2007 tex2html_wrap_inline2009 tex2html_wrap_inline2011 tex2html_wrap_inline2013
Table 2:   The COLORSET relation with attributes for the decomposed quadratic distance equation parameters tex2html_wrap_inline1711 and tex2html_wrap_inline1713 's. Denotation by tex2html_wrap_inline1715 indicates that a secondary index is built on the attribute in order to allow range queries to be performed on that attribute.

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John Smith
Wed Sep 18 11:16:33 EDT 1996