Advanced Projects Avaliable

The DVMM (Digital Video/Multimedia Research Group) in Electrical Engineering Department offers several research projects suitable for graduate students. Students may take the project through paid research positions, or registration of EE-6001/6002 Advanced Projects with an adequate number of credit points.  Some topics may be taken as class projects in EE6882 SVIA or EE6850 Visual Information Systems.  Visit the DVMM Advanced Projects Description Page (URL: for more details.

Current Projects:

  1. Software implemenation project under Trustfoto: Web-based real-time interactive Authentic vs. Computer Graphics classifier

Past Projects:

    1. Feature Extraction for News Video Indexing and TREC Video Experiments 2003
    2. Visualization system for multimedia streams and the associated metadata stream
    3. Study of Similarity measures
    4. A Study of Memory Models for Video Content Analysis
    5. Role Detection for Video Content Analysis