Package com.meapsoft.featextractors

Class Summary
AvgChroma Averages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then converts the vector into a 12-bin chroma Based on AvgMelSpec by Mike Mandel
AvgChromaScalar Returns a scalar corresponding to the mean chroma of a chunk.
AvgChunkPower A really simple feature calculation that calculates the average power in a chunk
AvgFreqSimple Picks the strongest fourier harmonic in every frame and calls it the freq.
AvgMelSpec Averages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then converts the vector to the mel frequency scale.
AvgMFCC Averages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then converts the vector to mel frequency cepstral coefficients, a commonly used feature in speech recognition systems.
AvgPitchSimple Picks the strongest fourier harmonic in every frame and calls it the pitch, then average these (weighted by energy) within the frame Based on AvgChroma
AvgSpec A simple feature calculation that averages all spectral frames into a single vector.
AvgSpecCentroid A simple feature calculation that averages the spectral centroid of all spectral frames in a given chunk.
AvgSpecFlatness A simple feature calculation that averages the spectral flatness of all spectral frames in a given chunk.
ChunkLength A simple feature calculation that returns the length of a chunk in frames.
ChunkStartTime A simple feature calculation that returns the start time of a chunk in frames.
FeatureExtractor Extract a vector of features for a chunk.
Likelihood Computes a "likelihood" or distinctiveness value for each chunk.
MetaFeatureExtractor Extension of FeatureExtractor that takes a FeatFile instead of FFT data.
SpectralStability Tries to sort pitched from unpitched sounds