function [DM,SRO] = illustrate_match(DQ,SR,FL,IX)
% illustrate_match(DQ,SR,FL,IX)
%     Show graphically which landmarks led to a match.
%     DQ @ SR is the waveform of the query.
%     FL is cell array giving the filenames for the elements in the
%     database.
%     Runs the query, then shows specgrams of query (with
%     landmarks) and the IX'th hit (with landmarks), highlighting the
%     matches.  IX defaults to 1.
%     DM returns the waveform of the matching audio, at sampling
%     rate SRO.
% 2008-12-30 Dan Ellis [email protected]

if nargin < 4;  IX = 1; end

% Run the query
[R,Lm] = match_query(DQ,SR,IX);
% Lm returns the matching landmarks in the original track's time frame

% Recalculate the landmarks for the query
dens = 7;
Lq = find_landmarks(DQ,SR,dens);
% Plot them

% Recalculate landmarks for the match piece
tbase = 0.032;  % time base of analysis
matchtrk = R(IX,1);
matchdt = R(IX,3);
[d,SRO] = mp3read(FL{matchtrk});
Ld = find_landmarks(d,SRO,dens);
% Plot them, aligning time to the query
show_landmarks(d,SRO,Ld,matchdt*tbase + [0 length(DQ)/SR]);
DM = d(round(matchdt*tbase*SRO)+[1:round(length(DQ)*SRO/SR)]);
[p,name,e] = fileparts(FL{matchtrk});
name(find(name == '_')) = ' ';
title(['Match: ',name,' at ',num2str(matchdt*tbase),' sec']);

% Highlight the matching landmarks
show_landmarks([],SRO,Lm-repmat([matchdt 0 0 0],size(Lm,1),1),[],'o-g');
title('Query audio')