

Segmentation by Aggregating Superpixels


Project Summary

Segmentation is commonly done by modeling low-level features (e.g. color and edges), where a large number of methods has been proposed, including Normalized Cut [Shi and Malik'00], Minimum Spanning Tree [Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher'04], and Mean Shift [Comaniciu and Meer'02]. Despite substantial progress, the performance is still far from satisfactory. One major challenge lies in the fundamental difficulty in simultaneously capturing and modeling a variety of visual patterns co-occurred in a nature image, which may differ substantially in different images. In this project, we address this issue from a novel perspective, that instead of directly modeling low-level features, we propose to aggregate mid-level grouping cues in the form of superpixels which can be obtained easily by over-segmenting the image using any reasonable existing segmentation method. The key observation is that, generated by different algorithms with varying parameters, superpixels can capture multi-scale and diverse visual patterns in the image. Successful integration of the cues from a large multitude of superpixels presents a promising yet not fully explored direction. In this project, we propose a novel segmentation framework based on bipartite graph partitioning, which is able to aggregate multi-layer superpixels in a principled and very effective manner. Computationally, it is tailored to unbalanced bipartite graph structure and leads to a highly efficient, linear-time spectral algorithm. Our method achieves significantly better performance on the Berkeley Segmentation Database compared to state-of-the-art techniques.

Bipartite Graph and Transfer Cuts

Speedup by Tcut on Bipartite Graph Partitioning


Segmentations using different combinations of superpixels

  • MS - Mean Shift [Comaniciu and Meer'02];

  • FH - Efficient Graph-Based Segmentation [Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher'04];

  • (3,MS&FH) - using three over-segmentations from each method.

Benefits of Adaptive Superpixels

  • Include large superpixels for complex images to suppress strong edges within objects.

Quantitative Comparisons on Berkeley Segmentation Database

  • PRI: Probabilistic Rand Index
  • VOI: Variation of Information
  • GCE: Global Consistency Error
  • BDE: Boundary Displacement Error
  • BFM: Boundary-based F measure
  • RSC: Region-wise segmentation covering

  • SAS takes 6.44s per image of size 481-by-321, where 4.11s for generating superpixels and 0.65s for Tcut. MNcut, MLSS, Ncut and TBES take more than 30s, 40s, 150s, and 500s, respectively.

Perceptual Comparisons


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Zhenguo Li, Xiao-Ming Wu, Shih-Fu Chang


Zhenguo Li, Xiao-Ming Wu, Shih-Fu Chang. Segmentation Using Superpixels: A Bipartite Graph Partitioning Approach. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012. [pdf][Poster]