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12.3 Recognition using Test Databases


When building a speech recognition system or investigating speech recognition algorithms, performance must be monitored by testing on databases of test utterances for which reference transcriptions are available. To use HVITE for this purpose it is invoked with a command line of the form

    HVite -w wdnet dict hmmlist testf1 testf2 ....
where wdnet is an SLF file containing the word level network, dict is the pronouncing dictionary and hmmlist contains a list of the HMMs to use. The effect of this command is that HVITE will use HNET to compile the word level network and then use HREC to recognise each test file. The parameter kind of these test files must match exactly with that used to train the HMMs. For evaluation purposes, test files are normally stored in parameterised form but only the basic static coefficients are saved on disk. For example, delta parameters are normally computed during loading. As explained in Chapter 5, HTK can perform a range of parameter conversions on loading and these are controlled by configuration variables. Thus, when using HVITE, it is normal to include a configuration file via the -C option in which the required target parameter kind is specified. Section 12.6 below on processing direct audio input explains the use of configuration files in more detail.  

In the simple default form of invocation given above, HVITE would expect to find each HMM definition in a separate file in the current directory and each output transcription would be written to a separate file in the current directory. Also, of course, there will typically be a large number of test files.

In practice, it is much more convenient to store HMMs in master macro files (MMFs), store transcriptions in master label files (MLFs) and list data files in a script file. Thus, a more common form of the above invocation would be

    HVite -T 1 -S test.scp -H hmmset -i results -w wdnet dict hmmlist
where the file test.scp contains the list of test file names, hmmset is an MMF containing the HMM definitionsgif, and results is the MLF for storing the recognition output.

  As shown, it is usually a good idea to enable basic progress reporting by setting the trace option as shown. This will cause the recognised word string to be printed after processing each file. For example, in a digit recognition task the trace output might look like

   File: testf1.mfc
   [178 frames] -96.1404 [Ac=-16931.8 LM=-181.2] (Act=75.0)
where the information listed after the recognised string is the total number of frames in the utterance, the average log probability  per frame, the total acoustic likelihood, the total language model likelihood and the average number of active models. 

The corresponding transcription written to the output MLF form will contain an entry of the form  

           0  6200000 SIL  -6067.333008
     6200000  9200000 ONE  -3032.359131
     9200000 12300000 NINE -3020.820312
    12300000 17600000 FOUR -4690.033203
    17600000 17800000 SIL   -302.439148
This shows the start and end time of each word and the total log probability. The fields output by HVITE can be controlled using the -o. For example, the option -o ST would suppress the scores and the times to give

In order to use HVITE effectively and efficiently, it is important to set appropriate values for its pruning  thresholds and the language model scaling parameters. The main pruning beam is set by the -t option. Some experimentation will be necessary to determine appropriate levels but around 250.0 is usually a reasonable starting point. Word-end pruning (-v) and the maximum model limit  (-u) can also be set if required, but these are not mandatory and their effectiveness will depend greatly on the task.

The relative levels of insertion and deletion errors    can be controlled by scaling the language model  likelihoods using the -s option and adding a fixed penalty using the -p option. For example, setting -s 10.0 -p -20.0 would mean that every language model log probability x would be converted to 10x - 20 before being added to the tokens emitted from the corresponding word-end node. As an extreme example, setting -p 100.0 caused the digit recogniser above to output

where adding 100 to each word-end transition has resulted in a large number of insertion errors. The word inserted is ``oh'' primarily because it is the shortest in the vocabulary. Another problem which may occur during recognition is the inability to arrive at the final node in the recognition network after processing the whole utterance.   The user is made aware of the problem by the message ``No tokens survived to final node of network''. The inability to match the data against the recognition network is usually caused by poorly trained acoustic models and/or very tight pruning beam-widths. In such cases, partial recognition results can still be obtained by setting the HREC configuration variable FORCEOUT true.   The results will be based on the most likely partial hypothesis found in the network.

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