Dimitris Anastassiou

Charles Batchelor Professor

Phone: 212-854-3113
Email: [email protected]
Dimitris Anastassiou is Charles Batchelor Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of Systems Biology. He is doing research on computational biology with emphasis on biomolecular data mining and analysis of cancer datasets.

Professor Anastassiou joined the E.E. faculty in 1983. From 1979 until 1983 he was a Research Staff member at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. He is an IEEE Fellow, a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, the recipient of an IBM Outstanding Innovation Award, a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, and a Great Teacher Award from the Society of Columbia Graduates. His previous research was in the area of video technology. He is author of patents accepted as essential for the implementation of the international standards MPEG-2, AVC/H.264 and MVC used in digital television storage, transmission and broadcasting.

His research in systems biology is focused on the discovery and elucidation of biomolecular mechanisms in cancer and the associated diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic applications in personalized medicine.  
In the News

Representative Publications
Some publications unrelated to biology from a previous lifetime.  
Department of Electrical Engineering, 1328 S.W. Mudd
500 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 854-3105 Fax: (212) 932-9421