Silverio Bolognani

Silverio Bolognani

For over 40 years, Silverio Bolognani has been carrying out intense fundamental and applied research on electric drive systems for automotive and industrial applications, household appliances, marine propulsion, electricity generation and conversion, with particular attention to advanced control technologies. He has been principal investigator of research contracts with industries, as well as of research projects funded by national and European institutions. He is the author of more than 300 international publications on electric machines and drives (Scopus H-index 57). He has given invited seminars and presentations at international conferences and foreign universities. His teaching activity at the University of Padua has involved courses in Electromagnetic Fields and Theory of Electrical Circuits and, subsequently, in Electric Traction, Electric Drives, Design of Electrical Machines, Industrial Electrical Applications. He was Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering from 2001 to 2008, member of the Scientific Committee of the University of Padua from 2004 to 2008, and Pro-Rector for Research from 2009 to 2015. He is currently Professor Emeritus and IEEE Fellow.