Metadata File Format

Metadata Format for Curve Tool Window
Metadata Format for Image Tool Window
Metadata Format for Collection Tool Window
Metadata Format for Object Tool Window
Metadata Format for 3D Tool Window
Metadata Format for Browser Tool Window

Metadata Format for Curve Tool Window


Shared timeline mode: : FrameID Y0 Y1 Y2 ...
Seperate timeline mode: FrameID X0 Y0 X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ...


FrameID: the frame number in the video sequence, starting from 0.

X, Y: the coordinates of the curve data. For shared timeline mode, X is the FrameID by default. Depending on the number of curves in the window, there might be several set of values, each for one curve respectively.


Please refer to the files PSNR.log and Circle.log located in the demo folder of the VisGenie installation directory.


Metadata Format for Image Tool Window


FrameID FrameType [ExtraImageName] [Comments]


FrameID: the frame number in the video sequence, starting from 0.

FrameType: indicating the source of the image:

0 Display the frame image from the video sequence directly
1 Display the external image specified by ExtraImageName

ExtraImageName: Required when frametype is 1. Specify the image file name.

Comments: Optional. Additional helper information.


Please refer to the file ImageData.log located in the demo folder of the VisGenie installation directory.


Metadata Format for Collection Tool Window


FrameID FrameType [ExtraImageName] ConfidenceScore Memo


FrameID: the frame number in the video sequence, starting from 0.

FrameType: indicating the source of the image:

0 Display the frame image from the video sequence directly
1 Display the external image specified by ExtraImageName

ExtraImageName: Required when frametype is 1. Specify the image file name.

ConfidenceScore: A scalar value ranges from 0. to 1., indicating the confidence score based on which the image is collected. For example, it can be the probability that the image is a shot boundary.

Memo: The text information displayed when you right click on an frame image in the frame collection tool window.


Please refer to the file FrameCol.log located in the demo folder of the VisGenie installation directory.

Metadata Format for Object Tool Window


FrameID ObjectID


FrameID: the frame number in the video sequence, starting from 0.

ObjectID: indicating the ID of the object, starting from 1. Only one ID can be assigned to one frame ID, meaning there is a corresponding object appearing in the specific frame. If there are more than one object you are interested in for one frame, try to use a neighbor Frame ID.


Please refer to the file ObjCol.log located in the demo folder of the VisGenie installation directory.

Metadata Format for 3D Tool Window


FrameID ObjectType Color {Object Rendering Parameters} [Comments]


FrameID: the frame number in the video sequence, starting from 0.

ObjectType: indicating the type of the object:

0 Point
1 Line
2 Polygon
3 Circle
4 Disk
5 Sphere
6 Cylinder
7 Cube
8 Text
9 Object

Color: The color of the object. Represented in hexadecimal format as 0xRRGGBB. For example, 0x000000 is for black, 0xFFFFFF is for white, and 0xFF0000 is for red.

Object Rendering Parameters: Other rendering parameters according to the object type:

0 Point

X Y Z Size

X, Y, Z: The coordinates of the point
Size: The size of the point.

1 Line

X0 Y0 Z0 X1 Y1 Z1 Y Z LineMode

X0 Y0 Z0 X1 Y1 Z1: The coordinates of the end points of the line
LineMode: The line mode, coincide with the definition in MSDN

2 Polygon Reserved

3 Circle

CX CY ZY NX NY NZ Radius Alpha

CX, CY, CZ: The coordinate of the center of the circle
NX NY NZ: The normal direction of the circle. These three values indicate the rotate angels (in degrees) along X, Y, and Z axis respectively. E.g., (NX, NY, NZ) = (0, 0, 0) means there is no rotation. (90, 0, 0) means rotate the object 90 degress along the X axis.
Radius: The radius of the circle
Alpha: The alpha blending values. 0 means the object is transparent (invisible). 1 means the object is not transparent and any objects behind it will not be visible. A value between (0., 1.) will incur the alpha blending during the rendering.

4 Disk Reserved

5 Sphere

CX CY ZY Radius Slices Alpha

CX, CY, CZ: The coordinate of the center of the sphere
Radius: The radius of the sphere.
Slices: The precision in rendering the sphere. The higher this value is, the more precise the sphere will be rendered.
Alpha: The alpha blending values. 0 means the object is transparent (invisible). 1 means the object is not transparent and any objects behind it will not be visible. A value between (0., 1.) will incur the alpha blending during the rendering.

6 Cylinder

CX CY ZY NX NY NZ BaseRadius TopRadius Height Alpha

CX, CY, CZ: The coordinate of the center of the cylinder.
NX NY NZ: The normal direction of the cylinder. These three values indicate the rotate angels (in degrees) along X, Y, and Z axis respectively. E.g., (NX, NY, NZ) = (0, 0, 0) means there is no rotation. (90, 0, 0) means rotate the object 90 degress along the X axis.
BaseRadius: The base radius of the cylinder.
TopRadius: The top radius of the cylinder.
Height: The height of the cylinder.
Alpha: The alpha blending values. 0 means the object is transparent (invisible). 1 means the object is not transparent and any objects behind it will not be visible. A value between (0., 1.) will incur the alpha blending during the rendering.

7 Cube

CX CY ZY NX NY NZ EdgeX EdgeY EdgeZ Alpha

CX, CY, CZ: The coordinate of the center of the cube.
NX NY NZ: The normal direction of the cube. These three values indicate the rotate angels (in degrees) along X, Y, and Z axis respectively. E.g., (NX, NY, NZ) = (0, 0, 0) means there is no rotation. (90, 0, 0) means rotate the object 90 degress along the X axis.
EdgeX, EdgeY, EdgeZ: The dimensions of the cube.
Alpha: The alpha blending values. 0 means the object is transparent (invisible). 1 means the object is not transparent and any objects behind it will not be visible. A value between (0., 1.) will incur the alpha blending during the rendering.

8 Text

X Y Y TextInfo

X, Y, Z: The coordinate of the text.
TextInfo: The text information

9 Object

CX CY ZY NX NY NZ RawFile Alpha

CX, CY, CZ: The coordinate of the center of the object.
NX NY NZ: The normal direction of the object. These three values indicate the rotate angels (in degrees) along X, Y, and Z axis respectively. E.g., (NX, NY, NZ) = (0, 0, 0) means there is no rotation. (90, 0, 0) means rotate the object 90 degress along the X axis.
RawFile: The name of the file storing raw 3D triangle data. Please refer to the file "head.raw" for an example.
Alpha: The alpha blending values. 0 means the object is transparent (invisible). 1 means the object is not transparent and any objects behind it will not be visible. A value between (0., 1.) will incur the alpha blending during the rendering.

Comments: Optional helper information.


Please refer to the files Uni3DData.log and Obj3D.log located in the demo folder of the VisGenie installation directory.


Metadata Format for Browser Tool Window


FrameID URL [Comments]


FrameID: the frame number in the video sequence, starting from 0.

URL: The URL you want to browse at the specified frame.

Comments: Optional helper information.


Please refer to the file URLData.log located in the demo folder of the VisGenie installation directory.

For problems or questions regarding this web page please contact with me at ywang AT ee DOT columbia DOT edu.
Copyright © By Yong Wang All Rights Reserved
Last updated: March 1st, 2005