Class DSP

  extended bycom.meapsoft.DSP

public class DSP
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static double[] abs(double[] a)
          Returns the absolute value of each element of a.
static int argmax(double[] a)
          Returns the index of the max element of a.
static int argmin(double[] a)
          Returns the index of the min element of a.
static double[] conv(double[] a, double[] b)
          Convolves sequences a and b.
static double[] cos(double[] a)
          Cosine of each element of a.
static double[] cumsum(double[] a)
          Returns A such that A[x] = sum(a[0:x])
static double dot(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns the inner product of a and b.
static double[] exp(double[] a)
          Take the natural exp of each element of a.
static double[] filter(double[] b, double[] a, double[] x)
          Filters x by the IIR filter defined by a and b.
static int[] find(byte[] a)
          Returns an array containing the indices into a that contain 1s.
static byte[] ge(double[] a, double b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] >= b and zeros elsewhere.
static byte[] ge(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] >= b[idx] and zeros elsewhere.
static double[] getColumn(double[][] A, int n)
          Returns the n'th column of matrix A
static byte[] gt(double[] a, double b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] > b and zeros elsewhere.
static byte[] gt(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] > b[idx] and zeros elsewhere.
static double[] hanning(int n)
          Returns an n point symmetric Hanning window.
static void imagesc(double[] a)
          Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.
static void imagesc(double[][] a)
          Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.
static void imagesc(double[][] a, java.lang.String s)
          Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.
static void imagesc(double[] a, java.lang.String s)
          Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.
static int[] irange(int start, int end)
          Returns an array of ints as follows: {start, start+1, ...
static int[] irange(int start, int end, int increment)
          Returns an array of ints as follows: {start, start+increment, ...
static byte[] le(double[] a, double b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] <= b and zeros elsewhere.
static byte[] le(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] <= b[idx] and zeros elsewhere.
static double[] log(double[] a)
          Take the natural log of each element of a.
static double[] log10(double[] a)
          Take the log base 10 of each element of a.
static byte[] lt(double[] a, double b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] < b and zeros elsewhere.
static byte[] lt(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] < b[idx] and zeros elsewhere.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
static double max(double[] a)
          Returns the max element of a.
static double[] max(double[][] a)
          Returns an array of the max elements of each column of a.
static double[][] max(double[][] a, double b)
          Returns a new array where each element is the maximum of a[i][j] and b.
static double[] max(double[] a, double b)
          Returns a new array where each element is the maximum of a[i] and b.
static double[] max(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns a new array where each element is the maximum of a[i] and b[i].
static double mean(double[] a)
          Returns the mean of a.
static double[] mean(double[][] A)
          Returns the mean of each column of A.
static double median(double[] a)
          Returns the lower median value contained in a.
static double min(double[] a)
          Returns the min element of a.
static double[] min(double[][] a)
          Returns an array of the min elements of each column of a.
static double[][] min(double[][] a, double b)
          Returns a new array where each element is the minimum of a[i][j] and b.
static double[] min(double[] a, double b)
          Returns a new array where each element is the minimum of a[i] and b.
static double[] min(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns a new array where each element is the minimum of a[i] and b[i].
static double[][] minus(double[][] A, double b)
          Subtracts b from each element of A (Y[x][y] = A[x][y]-b).
static double[] minus(double[] a, double b)
          Subtracts b from each element of a (y[x] = a[x]-b).
static double[] minus(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns the elementwise difference of a and b.
static double[] minus(double a, double[] b)
          Subtracts each element of b from a (y[x] = a - b[x]).
static double[] plus(double[] a, double b)
          Adds b to each element of a.
static double[] plus(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns the elementwise sum of a and b.
static double[] power(double[] a, double b)
          Raise each element of a to the b'th power.
static void printArray(double[] a)
static void printArray(double[] a, java.lang.String name)
static double[] range(int start, int end)
          Returns an array as follows: {start, start+1, ...
static double[] range(int start, int end, int increment)
          Returns an array as follows: {start, start+increment, ...
static double[] rdivide(double[] a, double b)
          Divides each element of a by b.
static double[] rdivide(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns the elementwise quotient of a divided by b (a./b).
static double[] round(double[] a)
          Round each element of a.
static void setColumn(double[][] A, int n, double[] b)
          Set n'th column of matrix A to b
static double[] sin(double[] a)
          Sine of each element of a.
static double[] slice(double[] a, int start, int end)
          Returns the slice of array a between start and end inclusive.
static double[] subsref(double[] a, byte[] idx)
          Index into array a using the binary array idx.
static double[] subsref(double[] a, int[] idx)
          Index into array a using the indices listed in idx.
static double sum(double[] a)
          Returns the sum of the contents of a.
static double[] times(double[] a, double b)
          Multiplies each element of a by b.
static double[] times(double[] a, double[] b)
          Returns the elementwise product of a and b.
static double[] todouble(byte[] a)
static double[] todouble(int[] a)
static double[][] transpose(double[][] a)
          Returns the transpose of the matrix a.
static void wavwrite(double[] d, int sr, java.lang.String filename)
          Write the data in d to a mono wavefile.
static double[] xcorr(double[] a)
          Computes the auto correlation of a.
static double[] xcorr(double[] a, double[] b)
          Computes the cross correlation between sequences a and b.
static double[] xcorr(double[] a, double[] b, int maxlag)
          Computes the cross correlation between sequences a and b.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DSP()
Method Detail


public static double[] conv(double[] a,
                            double[] b)
Convolves sequences a and b. The resulting convolution has length a.length+b.length-1.


public static double[] xcorr(double[] a,
                             double[] b)
Computes the cross correlation between sequences a and b.


public static double[] xcorr(double[] a)
Computes the auto correlation of a.


public static double[] xcorr(double[] a,
                             double[] b,
                             int maxlag)
Computes the cross correlation between sequences a and b. maxlag is the maximum lag to


public static double[] filter(double[] b,
                              double[] a,
                              double[] x)
Filters x by the IIR filter defined by a and b. Similar to Matlab's filter(). This is a direct implementation of the corresponding difference equation.


public static double[] hanning(int n)
Returns an n point symmetric Hanning window. Like the Matlab hanning() function (and unlike the version included in Octave), this drops the first and last zero samples. So hanning(10) in Octave is the same as hanning(8) in Matlab and DSP.hanning(8).


public static double dot(double[] a,
                         double[] b)
Returns the inner product of a and b. a and b should be the same length or bad things will happen.


public static double[] times(double[] a,
                             double[] b)
Returns the elementwise product of a and b. a and b should be the same length or bad things will happen.


public static double[] times(double[] a,
                             double b)
Multiplies each element of a by b.


public static double[] rdivide(double[] a,
                               double[] b)
Returns the elementwise quotient of a divided by b (a./b). a and b should be the same length or bad things will happen.


public static double[] rdivide(double[] a,
                               double b)
Divides each element of a by b.


public static double[] plus(double[] a,
                            double[] b)
Returns the elementwise sum of a and b. a and b should be the same length or bad things will happen.


public static double[] plus(double[] a,
                            double b)
Adds b to each element of a.


public static double[] minus(double[] a,
                             double[] b)
Returns the elementwise difference of a and b. a and b should be the same length or bad things will happen.


public static double[] minus(double[] a,
                             double b)
Subtracts b from each element of a (y[x] = a[x]-b).


public static double[][] minus(double[][] A,
                               double b)
Subtracts b from each element of A (Y[x][y] = A[x][y]-b).


public static double[] minus(double a,
                             double[] b)
Subtracts each element of b from a (y[x] = a - b[x]).


public static double sum(double[] a)
Returns the sum of the contents of a.


public static double[] cumsum(double[] a)
Returns A such that A[x] = sum(a[0:x])


public static double max(double[] a)
Returns the max element of a.


public static double[] max(double[] a,
                           double[] b)
Returns a new array where each element is the maximum of a[i] and b[i]. a and b should be the same length.


public static double[] max(double[] a,
                           double b)
Returns a new array where each element is the maximum of a[i] and b.


public static double[][] max(double[][] a,
                             double b)
Returns a new array where each element is the maximum of a[i][j] and b.


public static double[] max(double[][] a)
Returns an array of the max elements of each column of a.


public static double min(double[] a)
Returns the min element of a.


public static double[] min(double[] a,
                           double[] b)
Returns a new array where each element is the minimum of a[i] and b[i]. a and b should be the same length.


public static double[] min(double[] a,
                           double b)
Returns a new array where each element is the minimum of a[i] and b.


public static double[][] min(double[][] a,
                             double b)
Returns a new array where each element is the minimum of a[i][j] and b.


public static double[] min(double[][] a)
Returns an array of the min elements of each column of a.


public static int argmax(double[] a)
Returns the index of the max element of a.


public static int argmin(double[] a)
Returns the index of the min element of a.


public static double[] slice(double[] a,
                             int start,
                             int end)
Returns the slice of array a between start and end inclusive.


public static double[] range(int start,
                             int end)
Returns an array as follows: {start, start+1, ... , end-1, end}


public static double[] range(int start,
                             int end,
                             int increment)
Returns an array as follows: {start, start+increment, ... , end-increment, end}


public static int[] irange(int start,
                           int end,
                           int increment)
Returns an array of ints as follows: {start, start+increment, ... , end-increment, end}


public static int[] irange(int start,
                           int end)
Returns an array of ints as follows: {start, start+1, ... , end-1, end}


public static double[] subsref(double[] a,
                               int[] idx)
Index into array a using the indices listed in idx.


public static double[] subsref(double[] a,
                               byte[] idx)
Index into array a using the binary array idx.


public static int[] find(byte[] a)
Returns an array containing the indices into a that contain 1s.


public static byte[] lt(double[] a,
                        double[] b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] < b[idx] and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] lt(double[] a,
                        double b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] < b and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] le(double[] a,
                        double[] b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] <= b[idx] and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] le(double[] a,
                        double b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] <= b and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] gt(double[] a,
                        double[] b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] > b[idx] and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] gt(double[] a,
                        double b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] > b and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] ge(double[] a,
                        double[] b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] >= b[idx] and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static byte[] ge(double[] a,
                        double b)
Returns a binary array with 1s where a[idx] >= b and zeros elsewhere. a and b should be the same length.


public static double median(double[] a)
Returns the lower median value contained in a.


public static double mean(double[] a)
Returns the mean of a.


public static double[] mean(double[][] A)
Returns the mean of each column of A.


public static double[][] transpose(double[][] a)
Returns the transpose of the matrix a.


public static double[] round(double[] a)
Round each element of a.


public static double[] abs(double[] a)
Returns the absolute value of each element of a.


public static double[] cos(double[] a)
Cosine of each element of a.


public static double[] sin(double[] a)
Sine of each element of a.


public static double[] power(double[] a,
                             double b)
Raise each element of a to the b'th power. Like MATLAB's .^ operator.


public static double[] log(double[] a)
Take the natural log of each element of a.


public static double[] log10(double[] a)
Take the log base 10 of each element of a.


public static double[] exp(double[] a)
Take the natural exp of each element of a.


public static double[] todouble(byte[] a)


public static double[] todouble(int[] a)


public static void setColumn(double[][] A,
                             int n,
                             double[] b)
Set n'th column of matrix A to b


public static double[] getColumn(double[][] A,
                                 int n)
Returns the n'th column of matrix A


public static void imagesc(double[][] a)
Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.


public static void imagesc(double[][] a,
                           java.lang.String s)
Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.


public static void imagesc(double[] a)
Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.


public static void imagesc(double[] a,
                           java.lang.String s)
Pop up a window containing an image representation of a.


public static void wavwrite(double[] d,
                            int sr,
                            java.lang.String filename)
Write the data in d to a mono wavefile.


public static void printArray(double[] a)


public static void printArray(double[] a,
                              java.lang.String name)


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)