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MEAPsoft Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
meapsoft.AudioWriterCan write to a file or to an audio stream
featextractors.AvgChromaAverages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then converts the vector into a 12-bin chroma
featextractors.AvgChromaScalarReturns a scalar corresponding to the mean chroma of a chunk
featextractors.AvgChunkPowerA really simple feature calculation that calculates the average power in a chunk
featextractors.AvgFreqSimplePicks the strongest fourier harmonic in every frame and calls it the freq
featextractors.AvgMelSpecAverages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then converts the vector to the mel frequency scale
featextractors.AvgMFCCAverages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then converts the vector to mel frequency cepstral coefficients, a commonly used feature in speech recognition systems
featextractors.AvgPitchSimplePicks the strongest fourier harmonic in every frame and calls it the pitch, then average these (weighted by energy) within the frame
featextractors.AvgSpecA simple feature calculation that averages all spectral frames into a single vector
featextractors.AvgSpecCentroidA simple feature calculation that averages the spectral centroid of all spectral frames in a given chunk
featextractors.AvgSpecFlatnessA simple feature calculation that averages the spectral flatness of all spectral frames in a given chunk
meapsoft.BasicHistA simple histogram class to count the frequency of values of a parameter of interest
composers.BlipComposerProgram that adds a blip after each chunk
meapsoft.ChunkRepresentation of a single audio chunk (i.e
meapsoft.ChunkDistA way to measure the distance between two chunks
featextractors.ChunkLengthA simple feature calculation that returns the length of a chunk in frames
disgraced.ChunkPowerA really simple feature calculation that calculates the total power in a chunk
featextractors.ChunkStartTimeA simple feature calculation that returns the start time of a chunk in frames
gui.ColorMapColor map representation - each entry in the map has an RGB value associated with it
composers.ComposerAbstract class that defines the basic interface that all MEAPsoft composers should follow
gui.ComposerPanelGUI interface for the MEAPsoft Composers
meapsoft.CosineDistSimple distance metric that calculates 1 - the cosine of the angle between two chunks' feature vectors
gui.DataDisplayPanelA panel containing a graphical visualization of a matrix of data
meapsoft.EDLChunkRepresentation of an EDLFile Chunk
composers.EDLComposerSimply take an existing EDL file and apply the various composer options (reverse, gain, etc.) to it
meapsoft.EDLFileRepresentation of a MEAPsoft edit decision list file
meapsoft.EuclideanDistSimple distance metric calculating the euclidean distance (squared) between two chunks' feature vectors
meapsoft.ExceptionHandlerStandard interface for exception handlers
meapsoft.FeatChunkRepresentation of a FeatFile Chunk
meapsoft.FeatExtractorProgram that extracts features from the chunks listed in the input files
gui.FeatExtractorPanelGUI interface for FeatExtractor
meapsoft.FeatFileRepresentation of a MEAPsoft segment/feature file
featextractors.FeatureExtractorExtract a vector of features for a chunk
meapsoft.FFTUtility class to perform a fast fourier transform without allocating any extra memory
disgraced.GeometricAvgSpecA simple feature calculation that computes the geometric mean (arithmetic mean in log magnitude) of all spectral frames into a single vector
gui.GUIExceptionHandlerDefault MEAPsoftGUI ExceptionHandler - pops up a dialog box with a stack trace
composers.HeadBangComposerRocks it hard-core style
meapsoft.HeapAbstract implementation of the basic functions needed for a binary heap using java.util.Vector as a back end
composers.HMMComposerProgram that learns a simple fully connected hidden Markov model from a FeatFile and generates chunk sequences from it
featextractors.LikelihoodComputes a "likelihood" or distinctiveness value for each chunk
composers.MashupComposerProgram that composes a mashup by replacing each segment of the input file with the chunk in a given chunk database whos features most closely match those of the input chunk
meapsoft.MaxHeapImplementation of a binary max heap
composers.MeapaeMComposerSuper simple demo Composer that just writes each chunk forward and then backward
meapsoft.MEAPFileRepresentation of a MEAPsoft file
gui.MEAPsoftGUIGUI interface for the MEAPsoft utilities
gui.MEAPsoftGUIPanelAbstract class that all MEAPsoftGUIPanels must extend
meapsoft.MEAPUtilAbstract class that all MEAPsoft utilities must extend
featextractors.MetaFeatureExtractorExtension of FeatureExtractor that takes a FeatFile instead of FFT data
meapsoft.MinHeapImplementation of a binary min heap
composers.NNComposerProgram that composes an EDL by hopping around from chunk to chunk
meapsoft.ParserExceptionException when parsing MEAPsoft EDL/feature files
meapsoft.RingMatrixA class to hold a matrix of values that is a ring buffer of columns
util.RTSIThis utility class is looking for all the classes implementing or inheriting from a given interface or class
meapsoft.SegmenterProgram to segment input files and output text feature files compatible with other MEAPsoft tools
gui.SegmenterPanelGUI interface for Segmenter
meapsoft.SegmentExtractorHelper class for - does all of the work in fact
composers.ShoobyComposerProgram that composes an EDL by hopping around from chunk to chunk
composers.SortComposerProgram that composes an EDL by sorting chunks in featFile based on some subset of their features using some distance metric
featextractors.SpectralStabilityTries to sort pitched from unpitched sounds
gui.SpectrogramPanelCreates a graphical representation from a matrix
meapsoft.STFTA class to extract and hold STFT info from an AudioInputStream
meapsoft.SynthesizerProgram that processes a MEAPsoft EDL file and synthesizes audio data from it
gui.SynthesizerPanelGUI interface for the Synthesizer
composers.ThresholdComposerThresholdComposer selects chunks with feature values falling inside the top and bottom thresholds
disgraced.TimeCentroidA simple feature calculation that computes the centroid in time of a given chunk
disgraced.TimeFreqCentroidA simple feature calculation that computes the centroid in time and frequency of the STFT time/frequency surface of a given chunk
composers.VQComposerProgram that learns a vector quantizer from a FeatFile and uses it to quantize the chunks in another FeatFile

Generated on Tue Feb 6 19:02:27 2007 for MEAPsoft by doxygen1.2.18