Material from Textbook that will be covered in the course

This list is subject to change! There are also some additional topics covered that are not in this list; double check with the handout notes and your own lecture notes.


Will not be covered

Will be covered partially

Will be covered completely

RF Microelectronics

By Behzad Razavi.

Published by Prentice Hall PTR.

ISBN: 0138875715;

Published: Nov 6, 1997; Copyright 1998;

Pages: 352; Edition: 1st.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to RF and Wireless Technology.

2. Basic Concepts in RF Design.

3. Modulation and Detection.

4. Multiple Access Techniques and Wireless Standards.

5. Transceiver Architectures.

6. Low-Noise Amplifiers and Mixers.

7. Oscillators.

8. Frequency Synthesizers.

9. Power Amplifiers.


RF Systems and IC Design Books

These books have been placed on reserve in the Engineering library, 4th floor, S.W. Mudd building.