[messl image]

Model-based Expectation Maximization Source Separation and Localization (MESSL)

Michael I Mandel and Daniel P W Ellis


We describe a system, referred to as MESSL, for separating and localizing multiple sound sources from an underdetermined reverberant two-channel recording. By characterizing the interaural spectrogram for single source recordings, we construct a probabilistic model of interaural parameters that can be evaluated at individual spectrogram points. Multiple models can then be combined into a mixture model of sources and delays, which reduces the multi-source localization problem to a collection of single source problems. We derive an expectation maximization algorithm for finding the maximum-likelihood parameters of this mixture model, and show that these parameters correspond well with interaural parameters measured in isolation. As a byproduct of fitting this model, the algorithm creates probabilistic spectrogram masks that can be used for source separation. In experiments performed in simulated anechoic and reverberant environments, MESSL on average produced a signal-to-distortion ratio 1.6 dB greater than four comparable algorithms.

Example: Two speakers in reverb

Below is an example of the analysis of a single mixture of two speakers in reverberation. We've run our two separation algorithms on it along with the other four algorithms compared in the paper. There are sound examples and masks from each of them along with spectrograms of the observations and the cues that MESSL uses. For each of these examples, the signal-to-distortion ratio is given in dB for each algorithm.

In the first example, Speaker 1 is a female speaker directly ahead of the listener saying "Presently, his water brother said breathlessly." Speaker 2 is a male speaker located at 75 degrees to the left of the listener, saying "Tim takes Sheila to see movies twice a week."

In the second example, Speaker 1 is the male speaker from the previous example located directly ahead of the listener. Speaker 2 is a male speaker located at 30 degrees to the left of the listener, saying "She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year."

The speech comes from the TIMIT dataset and the binaural room impulse responses come from Barbara Shinn-Cunningham's lab. Please contact Prof. Shinn-Cunningham if you would like to use them in your own research. The anechoic impulse responses we used in the paper are from the CIPIC Lab and are available for download from their website.

Sound examples

Mix 1 (75 deg) Mix 2 (30 deg)
Separate (anechoic) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2
Separate (reverberant) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2
Mixture Mixture SDR (dB) Mixture SDR (dB)
DP-Oracle Speaker 1 Speaker 2 12.78 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 14.65
Oracle Speaker 1 Speaker 2 9.53 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 12.53
MESSL-WW + Garbage src Speaker 1 Speaker 2 7.10 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 10.48
2S-FD-BSS (Sawada et al., 2007) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 6.87 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 10.18
MESSL-WW Speaker 1 Speaker 2 6.11 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 9.25
Mouba & Marchand (2006) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 4.83 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 9.64
BSS-SOS (Buchner et al., 2005) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 5.02 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 6.98
DUET (Jourjine et al., 2000) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 5.48 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 1.30


DP-Oracle MESSL-WW + Garbage src MESSL-WW
Mouba & Marchand 2S-FS-BSS DUET

Observations: left and right ears

Left ear Right ear
Speaker 1
Speaker 2

Observations: IPD and ILD

Speaker 1
Speaker 2

IPD Estimates of MESSL

Observation histogram PDF estimated by MESSL-11 PDF estimated by MESSL-WW

ILD Estimates of MESSL

IPD and ILD likelihood contributions for MESSL-WW

IPD contribution ILD contribution Combined
