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4.10 Summary


This section summarises the environment variables  and configuration parameters  recognised by HSHELL, HMEM and HMATH. It also provides a list of all the standard command line options used with HTK.

Table 4.1 lists all of the configuration parameters along with a brief description. A missing module name means that it is recognised by more than one module. Table 4.2 lists all of the environment parameters used by these modules. Finally, table 4.3 lists all of the standard options.

Module Name Description
HSHELL ABORTONERR core dump on error (for debugging)
HSHELL HWAVEFILTER Filter for waveform file input
HSHELL HPARMFILTER Filter for parameter file input
HSHELL HLANGMODFILTER Filter for language model file input
HSHELL HMMLISTFILTER Filter for HMM list file input
HSHELL HMMDEFFILTER Filter for HMM definition file input
HSHELL HLABELFILTER Filter for Label file input
HSHELL HNETFILTER Filter for Network file input
HSHELL HDICTFILTER Filter for Dictionary file input
HSHELL HWAVEOFILTER Filter for waveform file output
HSHELL HPARMOFILTER Filter for parameter file output
HSHELL HLANGMODOFILTER Filter for language model file output
HSHELL HMMLISTOFILTER Filter for HMM list file output
HSHELL HMMDEFOFILTER Filter for HMM definition file output
HSHELL HLABELOFILTER Filter for Label file output
HSHELL HNETOFILTER Filter for Network file output
HSHELL HDICTOFILTER Filter for Dictionary file output
HSHELL MAXTRYOPEN number of file open retries
HSHELL NONUMESCAPES prevent string output using \012 format
NATURALREADORDER Enable natural read order for HTK binary files
NATURALWRITEORDER Enable natural write order for HTK binary files
HMEM PROTECTSTAKS warn if stack is cut-back (debugging)
TRACE trace control (default=0)

  Table. tex2html_wrap19833 . tex2html_wrap19830

Env Variable Meaning
HCONFIG Name of default configuration file
HxxxFILTER Input/Output filters as above

  Table. tex2html_wrap19834 . tex2html_wrap19831

Standard Option Meaning
-A Print command line arguments
-B Store output HMM macro files in binary
-C cf Configuration file is cf
-D Display configuration variables
-F fmt Set source data file format to fmt
-G fmt Set source label file format to fmt
-H mmf Load HMM macro file mmf
-I mlf Load master label file mlf
-L dir Look for label files in directory dir
-M dir Store output HMM macro files in directory dir
-O fmt Set output data file format to fmt
-P fmt Set output label file format to fmt
-Q Print command summary info
-S scp Use command line script file scp
-T N Set trace level to N
-V Print version information
-X ext Set label file extension to ext

  Table. tex2html_wrap19835 . tex2html_wrap19832


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