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14.1 Configuration Variables used in Library Modules



Module Name Default Description
HPARM SOURCEFORMAT HTK File format of source
HWAVE TARGETFORMAT HTK File format of target
HLABEL HAUDIO HWAVE HPARM SOURCERATE 0.0 Sample rate of source in 100ns units
HPARM HWAVE TARGETRATE 0.0 Sample rate of target in 100ns units
LINEOUT T Enable audio output to machine line output
PHONESOUT T Enable audio output to machine phones output
HAUDIO SPEAKEROUT F Enable audio output to machine internal speaker
LINEIN T Enable audio input from machine line input
MICIN F Enable audio input from machine mic input
NSAMPLES Num samples in alien file input via a pipe
HWAVE HEADERSIZE Size of header in an alien file
BYTEORDER Define byte order VAX or other
STEREOMODE Select channel: RIGHT or LEFT
SOURCEKIND ANON Parameter kind of source
TARGETKIND ANON Parameter kind of target
SAVECOMPRESSED F Save the output file in compressed form
SAVEWITHCRC T Attach a checksum to output parameter file
HPARM ADDDITHER 0.0 Level of noise added to input signal
ZMEANSOURCE F Zero mean source waveform before analysis
WINDOWSIZE 256000.0 Analysis window size in 100ns units
USEHAMMING T Use a Hamming window
PREEMCOEF 0.97 Set pre-emphasis coefficient
LPCORDER 12 Order of lpc analysis
NUMCHANS 20 Number of filterbank channels
LOFREQ -1.0 Low frequency cut-off in fbank analysis
HIFREQ -1.0 High frequency cut-off in fbank analysis
HLABEL HPARM V1COMPAT F HTK V1 compatibility setting
Table 14.1: Library Module Configuration Variables


Module Name Default Description
HWAVE NATURALREADORDER F Enable natural read order for binary files
HSHELL NATURALWRITEORDER F Enable natural write order for binary files
USEPOWER F Use power not magnitude in fbank analysis
NUMCEPS 12 Number of cepstral parameters
CEPLIFTER 22 Cepstral liftering coefficient
ENORMALISE T Normalise log energy
ESCALE 0.1 Scale log energy
SILFLOOR 50.0 Energy silence floor in dBs
DELTAWINDOW 2 Delta window size
ACCWINDOW 2 Acceleration window size
VQTABLE NULL Name of VQ table
SIMPLEDIFFS F Use simple differences for delta calculations
RAWENERGY T Use raw energy
AUDIOSIG 0 Audio signal number for remote control
USESILDET F Enable speech/silence detector
MEASURESIL T Measure background silence level
HPARM OUTSILWARN T Print a warning message to stdout before measuring audio levels
SPEECHTHRESH 9.0 Threshold for speech above silence level (in dB)
SILENERGY 0.0 Average background noise level (in dB) - will normally be measured rather than supplied in configuration
SPCSEQCOUNT 10 Window over which speech/silence decision reached
SPCGLCHCOUNT 0 Maximum number of frames marked as silence in window which is classified as speech whilst expecting start of speech
SILSEQCOUNT 100 Number of frames classified as silence needed to mark end of utterance
SILGLCHCOUNT 2 Maximum number of frames marked as silence in window which is classified as speech whilst expecting silence
SILMARGIN 40 Number of extra frames included before and after start and end of speech marks from the speech/silence detector
Table 14.2: Library Module Configuration Variables (cont)


Module Name Default Description
STRIPTRIPHONES F Enable triphone stripping
TRANSALT 0 Filter all but specified label alternative
HLABEL TRANSLEV 0 Filter all but specified label level
LABELSQUOTE NULL Select method for quoting in label files
SOURCELABEL HTK Source label format
TARGETLABEL HTK Target label format
HMEM PROTECTSTAKS F Enable stack protection
CHKHMMDEFS T Check consistency of HMM defs
SAVEBINARY F Save HMM defs in binary format
KEEPDISTINCT F Keep orphan HMMs in distinct files
HMODEL SAVEGLOBOPTS T Save tex2html_wrap_inline22512 o with HMM defs
ORPHANMACFILE NULL Last resort file for new macros
ALLOWOTHERHMMS T Allow MMFs to contain HMM definitions which are not listed in the HMM List
DISCRETELZERO F Map DLOGZERO to LZERO in output probability calculations
FORCECXTEXP F Force triphone context expansion to get model names (is overridden by ALLOWCXTEXP)
FORCELEFTBI F Force left biphone context expansion to get model names ie. don't try triphone names
FORCERIGHTBI F Force right biphone context expansion to get model names ie. don't try triphone names
HNET ALLOWCXTEXP T Allow context expansion to get model names
ALLOWXWRDEXP F Allow context expansion across words
FACTORLM F Factor language model likelihoods throughout words rather than applying all at transition into word. This can increase accuracy when pruning is tight and language model likelihoods are relatively high.
CFWORDBOUNDARY T In word-internal triphone systems, context-free phones will be treated as word boundaries
HREC FORCEOUT F Forces the most likely partial hypothesis to be used as the recognition result even when no token reaches the end of the network by the last frame of the utterance
ABORTONERR F Causes HError to abort rather than exit
HSHELL NONUMESCAPES F Prevent writing in 012 format
MAXTRYOPEN 1 Maximum number of attempts which will be made to open the same file
MAXCLUSTITER 10 Maximum number of cluster iterations
HTRAIN MINCLUSTSIZE 3 Minimum number of elements in any one cluster
BINARYACCFORMAT T Save accumulator files in binary format
TRACE 0 Trace setting
Table 14.3: Library Module Configuration Variables (cont)

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