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12.1 Decoder Operation


  As described in Chapter 11 and illustrated by Fig. 11.1, decoding in HTK is controlled by a recognition network compiled from a word-level network, a dictionary and a set of HMMs. The recognition network consists of a set of nodes connected by arcs. Each node is either a HMM model instance or a word-end. Each model node is itself a network consisting of states connected by arcs. Thus, once fully compiled, a recognition network  ultimately consists of HMM states connected by transitions. However, it can be viewed at three different levels: word, model and state. Fig. 12.1 illustrates this hierarchy.


For an unknown input utterance with T frames, every path from the start node to the exit node of the network which passes through exactly T emitting HMM states is a potential recognition hypothesis . Each of these paths has a log probability which is computed by summing the log probability of each individual transition in the path and the log probability of each emitting state generating the corresponding observation. Within-HMM transitions are determined from the HMM parameters, between-model transitions are constant and word-end transitions are determined by the language model likelihoods attached to the word level networks.

The job of the decoder is to find those paths through the network which have the highest log probability. These paths are found using a Token Passing algorithm. A token represents a partial path through the network extending from time 0 through to time t. At time 0, a token is placed in every possible start node.  

Each time step, tokens are propagated along connecting transitions stopping whenever they reach an emitting HMM state. When there are multiple exits from a node, the token is copied so that all possible paths are explored in parallel. As the token passes across transitions and through nodes, its log probability is incremented by the corresponding transition and emission probabilities. A network node can hold at most N tokens. Hence, at the end of each time step, all but the N best tokens in any node are discarded.

As each token passes through the network it must maintain a history recording its route. The amount of detail in this history  depends on the required recognition output. Normally, only word sequences are wanted and hence, only transitions out of word-end nodes  need be recorded. However, for some purposes, it is useful to know the actual model sequence and the time of each model to model transition. Sometimes a description of each path down to the state level is required. All of this information, whatever level of detail is required, can conveniently be represented using a lattice structure.

Of course, the number of tokens allowed per node and the amount of history information requested will have a significant impact on the time and memory needed to compute the lattices. The most efficient configuration is N=1 combined with just word level history information and this is sufficient for most purposes.

A large network will have many nodes and one way to make a significant reduction in the computation needed is to only propagate tokens which have some chance of being amongst the eventual winners. This process is called pruning. It is implemented at each time step by keeping a record of the best token overall and de-activating all tokens whose log probabilities fall more than a beam-width below the best. For efficiency reasons, it is best to implement primary pruning  at the model rather than the state level. Thus, models are deactivated when they have no tokens in any state within the beam and they are reactivated whenever active tokens are propagated into them. State-level pruning is also implemented by replacing any token by a null (zero probability) token if it falls outside of the beam. If the pruning beam-width  is set too small then the most likely path might be pruned before its token reaches the end of the utterance. This results in a search error. Setting the beam-width is thus a compromise between speed and avoiding search errors.

When using word loops with bigram probabilities, tokens emitted from word-end nodes will have a language model probability added to them before entering the following word. Since the range of language model probabilities is relatively small, a narrower beam can be applied to word-end nodes without incurring additional search errors . This beam is calculated relative to the best word-end token and it is called a word-end beam. In the case, of a recognition network with an arbitrary topology, word-end pruning may still be beneficial but this can only be justified empirically.

Finally, a third type of pruning control is provided. An upper-bound on the allowed use of compute resource can be applied by setting an upper-limit on the number of models in the network which can be active simultaneously. When this limit is reached, the pruning beam-width is reduced in order to prevent it being exceeded.

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