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8.7.1 Viterbi Training (HINIT)

  In this style of model training, a set of training observations tex2html_wrap_inline21696 is used to estimate the parameters of a single HMM by iteratively computing Viterbi alignments. When used to initialise a new HMM, the Viterbi segmentation is replaced by a uniform segmentation (i.e. each training observation is divided into N equal segments) for the first iteration.

Apart from the first iteration on a new model, each training sequence tex2html_wrap_inline21700 is segmented using a state alignment procedure which results from maximising


for 1<i<N where


with initial conditions given by



for 1<j<N. In this and all subsequent cases, the output probability tex2html_wrap_inline21710 is as defined in equations 7.1 and 7.2 in section 7.1.

If tex2html_wrap_inline21712 represents the total number of transitions from state i to state j in performing the above maximisations, then the transition probabilities can be estimated from the relative frequencies


The sequence of states which maximises tex2html_wrap_inline21718 implies an alignment of training data observations with states. Within each state, a further alignment of observations to mixture components is made. The tool HINIT provides two mechanisms for this: for each state and each stream

  1. use clustering to allocate each observation tex2html_wrap_inline21720 to one of tex2html_wrap_inline21722 clusters, or
  2. associate each observation tex2html_wrap_inline21724 with the mixture component with the highest probability
In either case, the net result is that every observation is associated with a single unique mixture component. This association can be represented by the indicator function tex2html_wrap_inline21726 which is 1 if tex2html_wrap_inline21728 is associated with mixture component m of stream s of state j and is zero otherwise.

The means and variances are then estimated via simple averages



Finally, the mixture weights are based on the number of observations allocated to each component


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