

DVMM Demos and Downloads


Dataset Download

  1. a-TRECVID: A dataset of images with multiple attributes (2012)
  2. Columbia Consumer Video (CCV) Database: A Benchmark for Consumer Video Analysis (2011)
  3. CU-VIREO374: Fusing Columbia374 and VIREO374 for Large Scale Semantic Concept Detection (2009)
  4. Columbia Uncompressed Image Splicing Detection Evaluation Dataset (2009)
  5. Kodak-Columbia consumer video benchmark data set: concept definition and annotation (2008)
  6. Columbia374: Columbia University's Baseline Detectors for 374 LSCOM  Semantic Visual Concepts (2007)
  7. Columbia Image Splicing Detection Evaluation Dataset (2007)
  8. LSCOM Lexicon Definitions and Annotations : Large Scale Concept Ontology for Multimedia (2007)
  9. Story Boundary for TRECVID 2005 Data (2006)
  10. Columbia Photographic Images and Photorealistic Computer Graphics Dataset (2005)
  11. Image Near Duplicate Benchmark Data Set (2004)

Online Demos

    1. MEMEX: Columbia University Content Based Image Search Tool (2017)
    2. EventNet: A Large-scale Video Event Ontology (2015)
    3. MVSO: Multilingual Visual Sentiment Ontology and Detector Bank (2015)
    4. NewsRover: Multi-source news video event tracking system (2015)
    5. CuZero Real-Time Guided Search for Digital Videos (2009)
    6. Columbia CuVid Concept Exploration System (2007)
    7. Photographic Image vs. Photorealistic CG Classification (2006)
    8. Columbia CuVid News Video Search System (2006)

Software Download

  1. Supervised Hashing with Kernels (2012)
  2. Segmentation by Aggregating Superpixels[code][project] (2012)
  3. Weak attributes for large-scale image retrieval (2012)
  4. Anchor Graph Hashing for Large-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search [code][paper] (2011)
  5. Anchor Graph for Large Scale Graph Construction[code] [paper] (2011)
  6. DASD codes and dataset (project page) (2009)
  7. INDetector – Columbia’s Image Near-Duplicate Detection Software (2008)
  8. SARI - A Self Authentication and Recovery Image Watermarking System (2003)
  9. Columbia's Automatic Foreground Moving Video Object Segmentation Software (2003)
  10. VisGenie - A Video Based information visualization system (2002)
  11. AMOS VERSION 1.0 - Semantic Video Object Segmentation Systems (2001)
  12. Columbia's Automatic Video Region Segmentation Software (2000)



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Last updated: Jun. 30, 2011