(a) Arch category.    This image is rendered with the global  illumination  effect using SOFTIMAGE|XSI and     post-processed     in Adobe Photoshop (b)     Game category. Rendering information unavailable (c) Nature category.  This image  is  rendered  with SOFTIMAGE|XSI. (d) Object category. This image  is  rendered  with the final gathering effect (a simulated effect of sec- ondary illumination) using SOFTIMAGE|XSI (e) People category.  This image  is  rendered  using Maya  rendering  software and     post-processed     in Adobe Photoshop (f) Hybrid category.  This image is rendering using the Realsoft 3D rendering software. Figure 4: Example images from the different PRCG content categories and their associated rendering information. Note that rendering information is not available for the game category and the amount of rendering varies for different PRCG. 14