SOFTIMAGE|3D Rhinoceros AutoCAD Facade archT Solid Works formZ Amapi Poser Nichimen Geometry Table 3: Geometry modeling software or tools. The column partitioning has no significance but just for compact display of information. Adobe Photoshop and After Effect Universal Image Creator Painter Photopaint Table 4:  Software used for the post-rendering image composition or the creation of image texture Geometric modeling using poly- gon,   simple   spline,   NURBS1, subdivision  surfaces,  solids,  or meshsmooth Global   illumination   using   ray tracing or radiosity Local illumination Final  gathering  (for  SOFTIM- AGE|XSI) Caustics effect Simulation of depth of field, vi- gnette, or motion blur Texture modeling by image, hand- drawn, or procedural textures Texture  representation  -  image map, bump map, scope map or displacement map Mapping high-dynamic range/radiance   image   to   the final images Using third party human, plant, hair or flu models Area lighting, single/many light, skylight, environmental map Adding procedural noise Soft shadow Table 5: geometric modeling and rendering techniques. The row and column partitioning has no significance but just for compact display of information. 12