Publications of Zheng Shou

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  1. Xudong Lin, Zheng Shou, Shih-Fu Chang. LPAT: Learning to Predict Adaptive Threshold for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.11285, 2019. details
  2. Jiawei Ma, Zheng Shou, Alireza Zareian, Hassan Mansour, Anthony Vetro, Shih-Fu Chang. CDSA: Cross-Dimensional Self-Attention for Multivariate, Geo-tagged Time Series Imputation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09904, 2019. details


  1. Zheng Shou, Xudong Lin, Yannis Kalantidis, Laura Sevilla-Lara, Marcus Rohrbach, Shih-Fu Chang, Zhicheng Yan. Dmc-net: Generating discriminative motion cues for fast compressed video action recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Pages 1268-1277, 2019. details
  2. Hang Gao, Zheng Shou, Alireza Zareian, Hanwang Zhang, Shih-Fu Chang. Low-shot Learning via Covariance-Preserving Adversarial Augmentation Networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018. details
  3. Zheng Shou, Junting Pan, Jonathan Chan, Kazuyuki Miyazawa, Hassan Mansour, Anthony Vetro, Xavier Giro-i-Nieto, Shih-Fu Chang. Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos. In ECCV, 2018. details
  4. Zheng Shou, Hang Gao, Lei Zhang, Kazuyuki Miyazawa, Shih-Fu Chang. AutoLoc: Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos. In ECCV, 2018. details
  5. Zheng Shou, Jonathan Chan, Alireza Zareian, Kazuyuki Miyazawa, Shih-Fu Chang. CDC: Convolutional-De-Convolutional Networks for Precise Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. details
  6. Zheng Shou, Dongang Wang, Shih-Fu Chang. Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos via Multi-stage CNNs. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016. details

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